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Wheatpieces Parish Council serves the community of Wheatpieces which covers the Walton Cardiff estate in Tewkesbury, North Gloucestershire.

The Parish Council plays an important role as the tier of local Government closest to the issues and challenges which face residents in everyday life.

If you have any questions concerning the work of the Parish Council, any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of, or any issues where you feel the council may be able to assist or support you, please get in touch.

Please note:  This website is the Wheatpieces Parish Council ‘s only source of information.  We do not have a Facebook or Twitter page

Site Content

We plan to incorporate an archive of the Council minutes and agendas from meetings January 2018 onwards and will continue to upload the latest dates and minutes from all the Council meetings onto this site.

We will use the News and Events column to keep you informed about local information and other items which we think are important for you to know. The column will also carry details about what’s happening in the area and we encourage the organisers of events to let us know, using the contact form, so we can provide further publicity for your activities.

Who are we?

For a detailed list of all current members, please visit the councillors page.

What do we do?

• The Council regularly meet to discuss local issues
• Support and encourage ongoing community engagement initiatives
• Maintain devolved assets at a local level
• Support the economic diversity and prosperity of the village
• Review planning applications and make comment as appropriate